Replacing the NEC LT35 projector lamp

Written by
  • Shelagh M.
  • 10 years ago

NEC_LT35_projector_NEC_NP35LP_projector_lampThis easy to follow guide shows how to install a new NEC LT35 projector lamp.

How much time is left?NEC_LT35_projector_NEC_NP35LP_projector_lamp_hours

Consult the Information/Usage Time to see how many NEC LT35 projector lamp  hours remain.

End of life warnings

When the NEC LT35 projector lamp is reaching end of life you’ll see the following warning signs:

  • On screen message: The lamp has reached the end of its usable life. Please replace the lamp.
  • LAMP indicator blinking red.
  • Screen colours looks off
  • Picture is faint or has deteriorated

Find this lamp on Amazon sold by these authorized dealers:

Changing the projector lamp

Your NEC LT35 projector uses the NEC LT35LP projector lamp. Be sure to invest in an authentic lamp.
Follow these important safety instructions before installing the new NEC LT35LP projector lamp

  • turn off the NEC LT35 projector.
  • unplug the projector from its power source.
  • unplug the power cable.
  • wait until the projector is cool to the touch to avoid getting burned.

NEC_LT35_projector_NEC_NP35LP_replace_projector_lampPlace the NEC LT35 projector on a soft surface and turn the projector upside down to access the projector lamp cover.
NEC_LT35_projector_NEC_NP35LP_New_projector_lampLoosen the screw holding NEC LT35 projector lamp cover in place. Push and slide the LT35 projector cover off.
Loosen the two screws holding the NEC LT35LP projector lamp in place. (The screws will not come out only loosen.)
Remove the projector lamp by holding the indent and pulling up.
NOTE: Your NEC LT35LP projector lamp should be properly recycled because it contains mercury.

NEC_LT35_projector_NEC_NP35LP_insert_projector_lampInstall a new lamp housing into the NEC LT35 projector, gently pressing the projector lamp housing into the socket. Take care not to touch the actual bulb as your finger prints can leave oil marks that burn black marks onto the bulb.
NEC_LT35_projector_NEC_NP35LP_tigthen_projector_lamp_screwsPush the top center on the projector lamp to secure it. Tighten the screw on the projector lamp.
Re-attach the NEC LT35 lamp cover by sliding the cover until it snaps into place. Tighten the screw on the lamp cover.
NEC_LT35_projector_NEC_NP35LP_Replace_projector_lamp_coverYou can now reset the lamp timer.

Reset the lamp timer

Once the NEC LT35LP projector lamp has been replaced you will need to reset the timer in order for the lamp life to be accurately tracked.

  • Plug in the power cord into the wall outlet. NEC_LT35_projector_NEC_NP35LP_projector_lamp_reset_menu
  • Turn on the projector.
  • From the MAIN MENU select RESET.
  • A confirmation message appears.
  • Select YES.

Green your projector lamp

EC LT35LP_replace_bulb_greenIf you are looking make your projector more enviro-friendly consider replacing only the NEC LT35LP bulb. The plastic lamp housing gets re-used and reduces waste. Our video shows you how to do with step-by-step instructions.
Learn more tips to extend the life of the NEC NP07LP lamp.

Invest in authentic lamps

The best type of projector lamp for your NEC LT35 projector is one from a North American OEM. Despite their bargain prices, counterfeits often end up damaging the sensitive electronics in your NEC LT35 since they are prone to explosions. The substandard toxic materials used give these counterfeit projector lamps a much shorter life as well. The other concerns are the lack of proper safety guards for your eyesight. Save yourself the hassles and buy an authentic NEC NP07LP projector lamp for your NEC LT35 projector.

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